WELCOME to the home of the award-winning fan film series Star Wars Toy Stories produced by PixelPlex, LLC. Our third film, Star Wars: The Toys Awaken, has won the awards for BEST STOP MOTION and SPIRIT OF FANDOM in the 2018 Star Wars Fan Awards. Winners were announced by Lucasfilm on December 12th, 2018 on The Star Wars Show.
Our first film, Star Wars: A Toy Story (2015), was a finalist and nominated for Best Visual Effects at Lucasfilm's 2015 Star Wars Fan Film Awards. Our second film, The Rogue One: A Star Wars Toy Story (2016), was produced for Lucasfilm's #GoRogue contest. Our three films have garnered 28 awards from 80+ film festivals across the US and overseas.
We are in production with our next big project, Home Solo: A Star Wars Toy Story. Follow us on social media for all the latest news.